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This is happening exactly as predicted and stock market is crying, heavy red clouds bleeding any pink illusion that was here until a month ago.

Seeing the current bullish economy since last year like being titanic
before sinking into the ocean, was clear to me being very bad since June
23rd 2017...but everything kept on climbing, no body believed the
astrologist that alerted over and over about the over flow in machine
rooms and kept on dancing in higher floors like no tomorrow. 

***** CORRECTION: DUE TO LINGUISTIC MISTAKE I'VE SAID 500-600 INSTEAD OF 5000-6000 ****** (Anyhow, never below 5000!!!) 

* More coins predictions:

** What bitcoin to value in year 2023?:

*** Stock market (Bitcoin & Market) Prediction to February- March 2018 (recorded in January 29th 2018):

Since November 2017 I was alerting speaking that the bitcoin plunging once arrived 10k
will plunge dramatically from January 2018 and same to main indexes it
happened and vix is climbing like the new crypto is here.
See previous videos about the SP500, bitcoin and vix to find the
planetary situation along this period.
Get prepared to moon eclipses February 15th in Aquarius which is the
opposite to last sun eclipse exactly 6 months ago. 

This is will even now to accelerate the rise in vix either will help to bitcoin to build up
again, saying moon eclipse this February 15th in Aquarius will
encourage the consciousness which people ignored last summer like being
in Leo too pride to consider danger.

Welcome to World geopolitics and economy revolution 2018 - 2023


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